Posts in Decisions|Direction
Soulful Action and Your About Sentence: A Case Study with Entrepreneur Tracy David

As a long-time sales trainer, then almost a decade as a Success Coach with thousands of clients, how in the world did entrepreneur Tracy David come to be the CEO of an online women's retail product startup called Does she view this as a Whoa! pivot, or an organic step of transition along her path? In this 22-minute video, we discuss her background and review her life story's About Sentence together. Check it out for a case study on up-leveling and clear-eyed leaps of faith! 

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How Is Theme Coloring Your Life?

If I asked you, "Is the glass half-full, or half-empty," how would you answer? Your answer is likely to give me a snapshot view of your point of view. For instance, if the answer is half-full, you may view your life with more optimism than someone who answers half-empty. Even given the same events or similar circumstances, the two of you have different filters - or, themes - coloring how you perceive the meanings of them. This begs the question, "What Theme of yours is coloring your life, and is it helping or hindering your growth?"

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